Blog Highlights

A collection of my favourite and most popular posts. For writing on asexuality, see the masterlist here.

Feminism and Social Justice

Sex-Positivity, Compulsory Sexuality and Intersecting Identities

When will women stop being told to be more careful?

“Why Didn’t You Just Punch Him?” Thinking about sexual harassment and women’s passivity

Sexist Jokes Are Not OK

Feminism is for men, too

What does a normal vulva look like?

There is no such thing as a bikini body

Dear UQ Sustainability: Please stop your ableism and fat-shaming

Bluestocking Week: Glass Ceilings and Gender Inequality in the University

The Reality of Disadvantage

Why I won’t live below the line

Where have all the asylum seekers gone?


Popular Culture

Not being sexist isn’t that difficult (even in gaming)

The Eleventh Doctor as Asexual

Disappearing women of Doctor Who

Why are Korra and Asami in a Romantic Relationship?

Feminists in Fiction: Katara (Avatar: the Last Airbender), Mulan (Disney), Keladry of Mindelan (Tamora Pierce), Martha Jones (Doctor Who)


Sexuality and Queer Stuff (for asexuality-related posts, see the masterlist here)

Being an Ally to Asexual People (A Guide)

Asexuality and the Relationship Escalator

Sex Scribbled on my Skin: body politics and sexuality

On the importance of labels

Should queer people be part of workplace diversity policies?


Feminist (Ancient) History

Classics and Feminism: thoughts on Virgil’s Dido (continues to be popular with search terms on about the Aeneid)

Patriarchy past and Present: the case of Cicero’s Clodia

Women of Antiquity: how much can we really know?

Why is Rape in Art Exquisite?